- Konferensarrangör
The 91st ICOLD Annual Meeting
The 91st ICOLD Annual Meeting hosted by the Swedish National Committee of ICOLD, SwedCOLD between 11-15 June 2023 in Gothenburg.
The International Commission on Large Dams holds an annual meeting at venues all around the world. Some years ago, the Swedish national committee on large dams, SwedCOLD, applied to host the meeting in Gothenburg. The application was approved based on the fact that the presentation of the planned event was received so well. The venue and arrangements looked so good that the approval to hold the meeting in Gothenburg was unanimous. And did we deliver! With the excellent help of Meetx we could provide a first class arrangement.
The arrangement is complex with meetings, workshops, short courses and a symposium on the schedule, not to mention the actual General Assembly of the ICOLD which is central for the Annual Meeting. We had around 1200 participants consisting mainly of delegates but also accompanying persons and exhibitors from all over the world. Meetx provided invaluable help with the communication around the event, managing the contacts with all participants, sponsors and exhibitors, which included Meetx providing great service and visa letters for the delegates. We had a large scientific program and received over 500 abstracts, selected 300 papers for publishing and 102 oral presentations for the symposium. Meetx Abstract department took care of all steps regarding abstract and paper management together with our chairman of the scientific committee and they had a great collaboration.
We arranged a large range of activities and tours as social events as well as technical excursions. Meetx helped us manage all work around this for reservations, booking etc where the participants could book themselves on desired activity.
Overall we are very happy and satisfied with our collaboration with, and help we got from Meetx and will highly recommend any conference organiser to work with them.
Anders Isander, Gothenburg, Sweden
Chairman of the Organizing Committee
ICOLD Annual Meeting 2023
Head of Dam Safety and Security, Uniper Swedish Hydro Operations.
Member of the Executive Committee, SwedCOLD (Former president)
Konferens: icold-cigb2023.se
Dokumentation/Film: ICOLD 2023 Film